
Showing posts from May, 2023

Writing a personality profile (write a feature news article)

   Hi there, Welcome to rai blog In meeting 9 about Journalism, I still learn about how to write feature profile. and today, I want to share it and also conclusion in article or news. before that, I also want to share my vocabulary list related to the topic about this subject. and I hope this blog can help you and share new information for you. so, check it out !!  Name   Raita Juliah  Class/ ID Number  6A2/2088203063   Meeting   9/ Writing a personality profile (write a feature news article) /Journalism  Vocabulary logs                                                       1.     Retroactively   /ˌrɛtrəʊˈæktɪvli...

Plastic waste in Kober Cemetery, Gempol Sari Village, Tangerang Regency, scattered after the Nyekar tradition on the second day of Eid.

Tangerang - After the "Nyekar" tradition on the second day of Eid, April 23, 2023/2 Syawal 1444 Hijriyah, plastic waste was scattered around the Kober public cemetery, Gempol Sari Village, Tangerang Regency. Plastic waste filled every side of the largest TPU in this village. Plastic waste, which is used to wrap flowers used for pilgrimage to the grave, can be seen at the entrance of the grave as well as on the right and left sides of the grave. "As a pilgrim, I find it difficult to dispose of garbage because there is no special place, if possible for all pilgrims after sowing flowers, the plastic waste should be taken away, not placed next to the grave." Said Dila, one of the residents," Sunday (23/4/23). Plastic used by flower vendors is one of the problems that can damage the soil ecosystem if used excessively and disposed of out of place. Considering that this type of waste is very difficult to be decomposed by the soil. But unfortunately, there are ...