Writing a personality profile (write a feature news article)

  Hi there, Welcome to rai blog

In meeting 9 about Journalism, I still learn about how to write feature profile. and today, I want to share it and also conclusion in article or news. before that, I also want to share my vocabulary list related to the topic about this subject. and I hope this blog can help you and share new information for you.

so, check it out !!


 Raita Juliah

 Class/ ID Number



 9/ Writing a personality profile (write a feature news article) /Journalism

 Vocabulary logs




























1.    Retroactively  /ˌrɛtrəʊˈæktɪvli/

  • Part of speech : Adverb
  • Indonesian : Secara retrospektif
  • Definition: Done or made after the fact, with reference to a previous event or time.
  • Synonym : retrospectively
  • e.g : " The new law will not be applied retroactively, only to future cases. "

2.    Overemphasized / ˌoʊvərˈɛmfəsaɪzd/

  • Part of speech : Adjective
  • Indonesian : terlalu dtekankan
  • Definition :  to place too much emphasis or importance on something; to exaggerate the significance or value of something.
  • Synonim : exaggerated, overstated, overemphasised
  • e.g : " The importance of grades is often overemphasized in our education system.”

3.    Toss /tɒs/

  • Part of speech : verb
  • Indonesian : melempar
  • Definition : to throw something lightly or casually; to throw something with a quick motion.
  • Synonym : throw, hurl, fling
  • e.g : " She tossed the ball to her friend."

4.        Resonant /ˈrɛzənənt/

  • Part of speech : Adjective
  • Indonesian : beresonansi
  • Definition : producing or exhibiting a deep, full, and reverberating sound; having a lasting effect or impact.
  • Synonym : reverberant, echoing, vibrant
  • e.g : " The singer's voice was so resonant that it filled the entire concert hall.  "

5.        Probe /proʊb/

  • Part of speech : Verb
  • Indonesian : menyelidiki
  • Definition : to investigate or explore something thoroughly; to search or examine something carefully.
  • Synonym : investigate, explore, examine
  • e.g : " The detective probed the crime scene for clues. "



The PDF titled "How to Write a Profile Feature Article" provides a comprehensive guide on how to write a profile feature article for student journalists. The guide emphasizes the importance of informing readers accurately and representing their experiences and views. It provides guidelines on reporting and writing for a national audience, including making a list of people to interview, being politely persistent with sources, and providing contextual information to capture the essence of the person being profiled. The guide also offers tips on how to conduct an interview, such as observing surroundings carefully, asking open-ended questions, and researching the subject beforehand. It emphasizes the importance of keeping an open mind and outlining the story before writing. The guide also covers ethical considerations in journalism, such as protecting sources and avoiding conflicts of interest. Overall, it serves as a useful resource for student journalists looking to write compelling profile feature articles that accurately represent their subjects' experiences and views.

Reflection :

After reading this material on how to write a profile feature article, I should have gained a better understanding of the key elements involved in creating an engaging and informative piece of journalism. I learned about the importance of researching your subject, asking open-ended questions during interviews, and paying attention to subtle clues like posture and tone of voice. Additionally, I learned about the significance of contextual information in providing readers with a clear understanding of why the profile subject is relevant and interesting. I also discovered some tips for contacting sources and being politely persistent when trying to secure an interview. Overall, this material provided valuable insights into the world of journalism and how to create compelling content that accurately represents my subject's experiences and views.


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