A matter fact of news

hi there !!! welcome back to rai's log :)

I am Rai, 6 semester student who is currently studying journalism and will share what I know about journalism.

let's start with the vocabulary log that I made so you can add to your vocabulary collection. And then, we will know how important the facts are in a news story, as well as the elements in the news that can interest readers.


 Raita Juliah

 Class/ ID Number



2/ A matter of facts/Journalism

 Vocabulary logs

 1. Precise /pɹɪˈsaɪs/

  • Part of speech : adjective
  • Indonesian : Tepat, persis
  • Definition : marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.
  • Synonym : exact, accurate, correct, error-free
  • e.g : “the director was precise with his camera positions"

2. Favoritism /ˈfeɪvɝɪˌtɪzəm/ 

  • Part of speech : Noun
  • Indonesian : Tidak adil
  • Definition : the practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another.
  • Synonym : partiality,partisanship
  • e.g : " He accused the teacher of showing favoritism in assigning grades.”

3. Newsworthy /ˈnjuːzwɜːði/.

  • Part of speech : Noun
  • Indonesian : yang patut dijadikan berita
  • Definition : noteworthy as news; topical.
  • Synonym : interesting, topical, notable
  • e.g : "you had to cover a lot of ground to find anything newsworthy"

4. Proximity /pɹɑkˈsɪməti/ 

  • Part of speech : noun
  • Indonesian : Kedekatan
  • Definition :  nearness in space, time, or relationship.
  • Synonym : closeness, nearness, presence
  • e.g : "do not operate microphones in close proximity to television sets"

5. Prominence [pɹˈɒmɪnəns

  • Part of speech : noun
  • Indonesian : ketinggian, kepentingan
  • Definition : the state of being important or famous.
  • Synonym : fame, celebrity, eminence
  • e.g : "she came to prominence as an artist in the 1960s"

6. Consequence /ˈkɑnsəkwəns/

  • Part of speech : Noun
  • Indonesian : Konsekuensi, tanggungan
  • Definition : a result or effect of an action or condition.
  • Synonym : result, upshot, outcome
  • e.g  : "many have been laid off from work as a consequence of the administration's policies"

Summary :

Good news will present new information that can be useful for the life of the reader and also has interesting values. Therefore, a news should have a writing structure that is different from other text structures.

If we find a news story, there will be values ​​that we get, namely the accuracy of the news with the original event, news that is consistent, relevant to everyday life, written clearly so as not to cause ambiguity, clarity of news sources, and does not corner any party who We can call it objective.

Furthermore, it relates to the elements in a story, namely there is proximity, namely the place where the news occurs which attracts readers, then there is prominence, namely the people involved in the news, timelines when the news happened, whether it was viral to be discussed or was it old-fashioned, and there is another consequence, namely there is an impact from the news that is read and also human interest there is an expression that arises when we read the news.

Reflection :

After studying this material, what I can learn from is that every news story needs to contain a fact where as readers we should sort out which news contains clear and relevant information about the original incident.

I also know that in every news writing, a journalist works hard to present news that can attract the interest of readers who also need to be careful about the authenticity of the news.

I also learned how the writing style of a news text differentiates it from other texts, so it became a lesson for myself to practice news writing. And it is also a self-correction whether every news we read has information that can change lives for the better or just read the news to find out the bad of other people, or to make the news (people bad) a topic of conversation. 


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