News Story

Hi there, Welcome to rai blog

In meeting 3 about Journalism, I still learn about how to conduct the news. and today, I want to share about how to do the news story, news brief, and news writing when conduct the news. before that, I also want to share my vocabulary list related to the topic about background research. and I hope this blog can help you and share new information for you.

so, check it out !!


 Raita Juliah

 Class/ ID Number



3/ News Story /Journalism

 Vocabulary logs


1.    Inverted  /ɪnˈvɜːtɪd/ 

  • Part of speech : Adjective
  • Indonesian : terbalik
  • Definition : placed or lying upside down or in the opposite position, order, or arrangement from usual.
  • Synonym : -
  • e.g : "press into an inverted U shape"

2.     Subsequent ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt

  • Part of speech : Adjective
  • Indonesian : berikut, yang kemudian
  • Definition : coming after something in time; following.
  • Synonym :  Following, ensuing
  • e.g : "the theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906"

3.    Incorporate  /inˈkôrpəˌrāt/

  • Part of speech : Verb
  • Indonesian : menggabungkan
  • Definition :  take in or contain (something) as part of a whole; include.
  • Synonym : embody, includy
  • e.g : "he has incorporated in his proposals a large number of measures"

4.        Tendency  

  • Part of speech : Noun
  • Indonesian : Kecenderungan
  • Definition : an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior.
  • Synonym : propensity, proclivity
  • e.g : “for students, there is a tendency to socialize in the evenings"

5.        Redudancy 

  • Part of speech : Noun
  • Indonesian : Redudansi
  • Definition : the state of being not or no longer needed or useful.
  • Synonym : Sacking, dismissal
  • e.g : "the redundancy of 19th-century heavy plant machinery"


After I read the material about news story, I know about the structure of news that related to the pyramid. So how to make a good structure of news are : The lead, Subsequent, The story should answer the questions associated with the 5 Ws and H, News should be in active, rather than passive, voice, Writing should be tight without redundancies and empty words, News stories should be written in third person, News stories should never reflect the opinion of the writer, Quotations should be used throughout the story to lend authenticity to the reporter’s facts.

News briefs are extremely brief articles, usually between two and four paragraphs, that provide the most basic details on an event or circumstance that warrants coverage but does not call for a full-blown report. These might or could not include quotes. The writing is done in the traditional inverted pyramid form. Additionally, news stories include at least one of the following crucial elements in relation to their target audience: closeness, importance, timeliness, human interest, peculiarity, or consequence. When referring to writing in the news style, the related word journalese is occasionally used, generally in a derogatory way. Headlines is another.

Reflection :

When studying a journalism, there are numerous things that may be used as reflection for oneself. A plethora of chances for thought are presented by understanding how news is obtained, including how to conduct good interviews, communicate effectively, and turn facts into news that is factual and convincing. I've also discovered via news reporting that factual reporting, as opposed to merely opinion, is based on facts that represent reality.


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